In close consultation with the school, the Committee members of the P&F will:
- support the Principal and staff in the development of a Christ-centred learning community based upon the principles of Catholic doctrine.
- support the School’s policies developed in consultation with all stakeholders.
- make recommendations at P&F meetings in relation to policies that affect the wider school community.
- acknowledge that the Principal has the responsibility to implement these policies.
- identify topics of interest relevant to the school community.
- focus on the educational needs of parents and families.
- maintain a record of the recommendations and outcomes of P&F meetings.
- conduct activities in accordance with the Constitution of the P&F Association.
- participate in P&F Association meetings and other community activities in a constructive manner and respect the views of others.
- ensure a financial auditor is appointed to conduct the annual financial audit of the P&F accounts.
- acknowledge that the decisions taken and actions proposed at the P&F Association meetings are representative of the majority of the School community.
- adhere to the processes available to have issues addressed and decisions reviewed.
- use appropriate conduct when participating in meeting discussions and promote positive personal relationships among community Members.
- prepare timely written notices for distribution to members of the school community.
- liaise with the Treasurer for any financial contributions required from the P&F.
- liaise with the members of the school and wider community as required.
- treat all Members of the School community with respect and courtesy.