Enrolment information


Thank you for your interesting in enrolling your child at Our Lady of Lourdes, Sunnybank.  

When  enrolling  students,  priority  will  be  given  to  those  who  are  baptised  Catholic,  siblings  and students from other faith traditions whose families demonstrate that they share the expressed values of the School and who are willing to support and contribute to the school's vision and ethos. Priority for enrolling students:

  1.    ​Siblings of students already enrolled in the School,
  2.    Baptised Catholics,
  3.    Non-baptised students from Catholic families,
  4.    Students from other faith traditions whose families demonstrate that they share the expressed values of the School and who are willing to support and contribute to the school's vision and ethos

All applicants are required to apply for enrolment​​ on the prescribed form and attend an interview with the Principal or a member of the School Leadership Team.  Applications should be accompanied by a copy of the child's birth certificate or extract, baptismal certificate and any medical, specialist or school reports that may assist in understanding the child's needs or circumstances regarding their development and readiness for school.  Offers for a place at Our Lady of Lourdes will be made once all relevant paperwork is received by the School and after a successful enrolment interview.

A $200 non-refundable confirmation of enrolment fee will be required to confirm an offer of a place. No deposit is required for current OLOL siblings.

The current enrolment timeline and interview schedule is outlined below.

Year to Commence
Enrolment Applications
​Enrolment Interview Timeline
Prep 2025
Children born 1 July 2019 - 30th June 2020​​
​​Applications open
​Apply online, interviewing now.
​Prep 2026
Children born 1 July 2020 - 30th June 2021​
Applications open
​Apply online now, interviews commence April 2025.​
​Prep 2027
Children born 1 July 2021 - 30th June 2022
​Applications open
​Apply online, interviews commence April 2026.
Prep 2028
Children born 1 July 2022 - 30th June 2023
​Applications open
​Apply online, interviews commence April 2027
