Illness & Accidents
Parents are informed as soon as possible in all cases of illness or injury at school. In cases of serious illness or accident, every effort will be made to contact either parent so that the course of action to be taken may be discussed. In the event that neither parent can be contacted quickly, a ambulance will be summoned and the child transported to a hospital. Minor first aid cases, such as bruises, abrasions, scratches etc, will be dealt with by a teacher on duty or the school office. Parents who may have other wishes in this regard should contact the office so that their wishes may be entered on their family records. Sick children should be kept at home.
Administration of Medicine at School
Brisbane Catholic Education has issued a number of guideline for schools with regard to administering medication to students during school hours.
These guidelines are:-
- it is authorised by the student’s medical practitioner
- the parent or person with the legal responsibility for the student makes a written request to the principal of the school including the instructions for administration of the medication and any special requirements
- a teacher or other adult person on the school staff who volunteers to give medication to the particular student while at school or while involved in a school approved activity is authorised by the principal to do so; and
- all medication is in a container labelled by a pharmacist / dispenser, showing the name of the drug, the “use by” date, the name of the student’s medical practitioner, the name of the student, the dosage and the frequency of administration
- In some cases it may be necessary for the student to keep the medication in their possession (eg. asthma medication). Where this is the case, a parent or a person with the legal responsibility for the student should include this instruction in their written advice.
- Medication which is not labelled according to (i)(d) shall not be accepted for use. It is the responsibility of the parent or person with the legal responsibility for the student to ensure that the medication:
- is clearly labelled
- is not out of date
- is provided in sufficient quantities for the student’s needs
- is collected from the school at the completion of the student’s treatment
- Instructions solely from the parent or persons with the legal responsibility for the student without the required labelling on the medication as detailed in (i)(d) shall not be accepted.
All natural / alternative remedies must be administered in accordance with (i) – (iv) above.
Oral Medication:
- Oral medication shall only be given when the conditions outlined above have been met
- Oral medication such as analgesics and over the counter medication that have not been authorised by the student’s medical practitioner
WILL NOT be administered by teachers or other persons on the school staff.
Parents are asked to adhere to these guidelines when any medication is to be administered at school.
Infectious Diseases - Recommended Exclusion Periods
A number of communicable diseases require that children, and those with whom they have come into contact, are excluded from school for a defined period of time. Please refer to the
Recommended Exclusion Periods for Infectious Conditions produced by Queensland Health. Also see the fact sheet for
Seasonal Influenza.
Child and Adolescent Dental Services - Metro South Health
Please click here to find out about the dental services provided by Metro South Health.
See also:
Head Lice |
Hand Foot & Mouth Disease